Friday, September 02, 2005

Why I Hate the Human Race

*Disclaimer* I wrote this quite awhile ago, and its not very good. Feel free to give it a read, it pertains to snafu called the American response to Hurricane Katrina. I write this disclaimer because the search term "I hate the human race" is surprisingly popular (should we be worried?) and is the most popular search reaching this blog. I would get rid of this particular entry out of embarrassment but it would be at the detriment of traffic which is meager at best. So please take a look around, there are much better entries here especially the newer ones. Thanks, TCR

This whole Katina thing is just pissing me off to no end. Everyone involved in it are just pissing me off. GAAAA.
1. Can someone tell me why this city was build below sea level please? Ive heard the arguments that it was first settled 200 years ago and blah blah blah built up over time but no one seems to get passed this one point....If you have to run pumps everyday to keep water out so that you can build, what happens if those pumps fail? WELL we found out, the entire city was destroyed, good job nice little brain fart that killed thousands.

2. Here's another one, why were the levees only built to withstand a category 3? Obviously we know category 5's are possible, and its in a hurricane prominent area, seems like we should have built them a little stronger. I did a little reading and i found out why! Guess where president Bushywooshy put the money that was supposed to upgrade the levees! Just guess! Where does all are money and young, poor people go? IRAQ yup. Need i go further?

3. There are two groups in this world that we are in touch with every day in our lives that i don't trust at all. The government, and the media. Now that's all fine and dandy (well not really) until they make contradicting statements. The media shows pictures of starving people, no order, complete chaos. FEMA says that its all a big lie, there's 7000 troops in the area, there's food and water everywhere and the recovery effort is well underway! Who am i supposed to believe? who is trying to deceive me?

4. I hate racism! Every god damn time a black person is shown on TV i hear someone say something about them being bad, worthless, never working, niggers.... what the christ? when are people going to open there eyes? Maybe the reason that the overwhelming majority of the people left in the town are black is because they are the impoverished class and didn't have the luxury of jumping in a car and leaving town when the evacuation orders were made. Why must we so quickly jump to the conclusion that they are just ignorant and rebellious and worthless and a nuisance?

5.If by chance the media is telling the truth and its the government is lying, why is it taking so long to get relief to our own country. When the the tsunami hit India we were right there coordinating a relief effort for them, a relief effort that we don't even seem to be able to do in our own country. Our military should be trained more so in relief efforts than in war anyways, but lets not get into that right now.

6.Lastly i would like to take take a swing at the lower class, the class that i usually stand up for completely. Why must they be looting stores? First of all, the fucking vcrs are going to work, they've been under seawater! but most of all it angers me because there are people like me out there who want to give the lower class all the same rights as the middle and upper, an equal society. I know that they are angry and see the chance to get the things they want now, but it doesn't help in an argument that the poor should be given a better chance when they start going wild as soon as the law is taken away. I don't want them to act civilized or anything because that's really boring, but we all have to work together in this world, and firing a gun at a rescue helicopter and at rescuers is not working together. Besides the fact that is like biting the fucking hand that is feeding you!

Well that's enough for now, no ones gonna read it anyways.

kill, kill, die, die, death, death, suicide! why do you think those rates are so high?


Anonymous said...

You're right.
Nobody's gonna read this because it's liberal dickhead drivel.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you so completely right now that it isn't funny.
Waiiiiit a sec, it's NOT funny! You've got really good points going there...
Augh I just hate what everything is, everyone is so self centered! There are too many defects with the human race for me to understand how we've sustained ourselves for so long.

Unknown said...

and here i am...and will be for way to dam long in this forsaken world. Hell on earth as we see it. I don't what I did in my past life but living as a human being is the worst punishment ever. I hate the human race and stupid people keep on having stupid fckn kids.

nuritpost said...

I think you completly right I feel the same way, hey could you possilby email me at, I would love to talk about these types of issues.


nuritpost said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann said...

Every above word is so true...... I wish there were more people who thought the same way... but its a pity there aren't... :(

dougie said...

i like your thinking, there's a few details off but overall i agree. Sri Lanka is the tsunami you were thinking of btw.