Sunday, April 24, 2005

Homosexuality and Marriage

Why are gay people subjected to so much shit in this country and all over the world (basically). Homophobia...yeah so there's people out there that are AFRAID of gay people. Now they play off that they're big and tough, but they are afraid of these people who they claim are weak. Am i missing something? First of all I God damn well know at some point in every one of these assholes lives they have had a homosexual thought. But they are so fucking afraid of being gay that they want to condemn anyone who is, like its fucking contagious. People need to open their fucking eyes, no, its not contagious, really, I'd have it by now. People need to stop being so afraid of it, so what if you find out your gay, suppressing it isn't going to help, and hating everyone that is isn't suppressing it, isn't either.

I'm afraid of homophobes. Anyone who can hate the nicest group of people in society should be feared because well there's some serious issues going on there.

"the bible says you can't be gay" The section that everyone so lovingly brings up is from Leviticus, if you look a little deeper you can find some other rules from this section too. 1. It is a sin to eat pork. 2. It is perfectly acceptable to own slaves, as long as their from another country.3. You are not allowed to trim your hair or beard 4.You cant mix fabrics. After reading the rest of Leviticus it seems as tho this evidence is shot to hell. And how about that whole "love thy neighbor" thing, can we just forget about that because were doing "God's work"?

Many people will probably disagree with me, but i don't really care. Organized religion is the Antichrist. Yup, plain and simple. It breeds hate and ignorance. Isn't that exactly the opposite of your Jesus' teachings? Wasn't he a pacifist? Seems kinda ironic that more people have died in his name than for any other man who has ever lived, including Hitler...

Gay people should not be able to get married, and here is why I think that: churches are just not interested in marrying gays. So that just leaves the government to marry them, well the government shouldn't be able to marry anyone, marriage is a religion based institution therefore the government has no right sticking its nose in it. This is where civil unions come in, different name, same results, they are a legal contract between two individuals, not all that mushy kissing stuff. Married couples in the church apply for a civil unions from the government, therefore still receive all the benefits married couples receive now*.

**Update: I meant this more as a "best case scenario" as to how marriage legislation should work. However it would be much harder to completely change the law of civil marriage in order to create only Civil Unions in the eyes of the government than to just legalize gay marriage. In addition this would be a costly solution to a mostly aesthetic problem. In the real world I fully support the right for gay couples to be married.**

The problem of allowing Civil Unions according to the opponents is that it will cost us much more in taxes and social security if we widen the eligibility to support so many more people with social security and other federal benefits. Well gay couples should be allowed the same benefits I'll get if I ever get retarded and get "married", why not? If they're paying into the system they should get protected in the same way.

Jesus was a communist, Jesus was a Pacifist...


Anonymous said...

all i have to say is that i completely agree, obviously.

Anonymous said...

For the record it never actually says you cannot be gay in the bible it's how religious leaders translate it that screws with people!